Check It Out the Steve Adamko Interior Design School on Thinkific
Experience Deep, Rich, and Robust Interior Design Courses giving you what you need to create superb residential interiors with the perfect Look, Feel, and Ambience, from Professional Master Interior Designer Steve Adamko, who brings 44 years of Expertise, Skill, Knowledge, Talent, Experience, Insight, and Wisdom to empower You!

What You Get! … with the Steve Adamko Interior Design School
Now, with my Thinkific Courses, YOU get to be the recipient and the beneficiary of all of that talent, wisdom, knowledge, and experience! I am a very high-end interior designer. Now that doesn’t mean that I’d don’t do projects on a budget. But, I can go from zero to the top level. Not only that, but I am a professional lighting designer and a professional furniture designer, plus a speaker and author. In addition to that I also have a Podcast on Apple, Stitcher, Player FM, and other platforms … called INTERIOR DESIGN BEAT.
The Courses are packed … they are intense, as far as how deep and rich they are … because I am a very high-level teacher and instructor. And when I teach and instruct, I use a lot of analogies so that people would have a hard time misunderstanding what I mean. So, I put things in terms that people can understand. These seminars are very apropos for students … all the way up to successful, wealthy, and affluent individuals.
So … by all means Give Me A Call … Steve Adamko at (269) 888-2049 (Landline)