The importance of a residential interior design master plan is critical. Why? Because obviously, your time and money are two of the things that are almost inseparable. And so your time, your money, your resources are able to be allocated properly. Because it doesn’t really matter how much money you have or how little money you have. If somebody says, I’ve got a thousand dollars to spend, that’s a lot of money to spend. And, if somebody says, well I’ve got a hundred thousand dollars, that’s a lot of money for them. And, even if it’s a million dollars, for a multi-millionaire, it’s still a significant amount of money to spend.
A Residential Interior Design Master Plan Helps You to Invest Your Money Properly
So, do we want to just spend the money, or do we really want to invest the money?
You invest the money because you want a return on your investment, in more ways than one. Again, back to the emotional, intellectual, the visual and all those aspects; you want a big return on these also.
It also helps you to orchestrate all the components, whether you’re working in a room where you have to orchestrate all the different furniture pieces. Or you’re working in a house where you need to transition in different areas and have some relatedness, and all that helps you to accomplish that.
I’ve seen too many people waste their money or not allocate it correctly, that they missed their grand opportunity. You don’t want to be in this kind of position. So it doesn’t matter how much money you have, it’s best to invest it the proper way, with expert advice by a very top-level interior designer when it comes to dealing with the complicated venue of interior design.
The Importance of Words in Your Residential Interior Design Master Plan
When I talk about the importance of words, we’re talking about intangible things first, because the intangible almost always precedes the tangible. Somebody that has an idea, a concept, and then eventually, wa-la, we now have a reality. Because it used to be just a dream about going to the moon with rocket ships and all that, and now we seem to almost fly there almost daily.
Crystalize Your Residential Interior Design Master Plan by Writing Your Plan Down on Paper
And then the other thing, it’s important to have it on paper. Because without having it documented, you can’t look at it, you can’t ponder it, you can’t meditate on it. And it’s part of what gets you excited. Is everybody getting something out of this so far, is that expanding your understanding?
Because I’ve got to create a foundation first and then you can see some of the other things that can happen when you do this right, because we’re going to get into a bunch of slides here momentarily. And then realize what you’re working with, whether it’s in a house you have right now, whether it’s in a house you plan to build, you’re always working within the context of architecture.
So, you have architecture, you have interior design, and they are and should act as a hand and glove scenario.
The worst thing that could happen is for you to have a very disjointed effect. Proper interior design master planning helps to overcome this very dangerous potentiality. It would also tragically affect your money, time, and resources.
Residential Interior Design Master Plan and Concept is Everything!